You are currently viewing 52 Movies from 52 Countries – #22 CHINA

52 Movies from 52 Countries – #22 CHINA

This post is a part of an ongoing project in which I watch one movie from a different country every week.

 PLOT: The daughter of a Chinese governor steals a legendary sword and runs away to reunite with the man she loves. She is pursued by two famed warriors who secretly love one another. 

MEMORABLE MOMENT: The fight sequence in the bamboo forest takes the cake. Not only are the choreography and wirework impressive, this is the most gorgeous scene in the whole movie and probably one of the most beautiful scenes from the early portion of the twenty-first century.

WHO IS THIS MOVIE FOR?: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is already required viewing among fans of Wuxia. It’s also a staple among action film aficionados in general. To be a fan of martial arts movies and to have never seen Crouching Tiger… is like being a fan of anime without seeing Akira or a fan of horror without seeing The Exorcist.

 However, this film’s appeal transcends genre. Many people have seen Crouching Tiger who have never seen a Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee movie. This is in part because few (if any?) of Chan or Lee’s films were nominated for Academy Awards. That being said, Crouching Tiger’s widespread appeal is earned. It is truly a gorgeous movie.     

The story is borderline Shakespearean. The characters are nuanced. The choreography presents just as much beauty as it does violence.  The movie crosses genres in the sense that it is just as much a love story as it is a thriller.  

So in short who is this movie for? I’d say everyone.


  • “Crouching tiger hidden dragon” is a quote from Chinese mythology that refers to an individual hiding their strength from others.
  • This is the only martial arts film to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture.
  • Director Ang Lee pitched the film to Michelle Yeoh as “Sense and Sensibility (1995) with martial arts.”

WHERE CAN YOU FIND IT?: It’s available on Netflix DVD. You can also rent ($3.99) or buy ($13.99) it from Amazon.  



Hui-Ling Wang

James Schamus

Juo Jung Tsai



Michelle Yeoh

Chow Yun-Fat

Ziyi Zhang


RUNTIME: 120 minutes.