You are currently viewing Open Submissions: DAILY FLASH FICTION


DAILY FLASH FICTION is a fantastic publication for anyone who enjoys reading stories that are under a thousand words.

I would particularly recommend it as a place to submit your flash fiction.

-They accept short stories between 300 and 1,000 words.

-They pay $40.00 for stories selected to be published in their anthologies.

Their website includes this important note:

“What qualifies as a STORY is subjective, but in general…

  • “It should have a beginning, middle, and end with conflict and resolution.
  • “Conflict = There needs to be an incident or event of some kind. Something must happen to qualify as a STORY.
  • “Resolution = In the end, the character’s world is different as a result of the incident and how it was dealt with.
  • “When in doubt ask yourself, ‘Did something happen?'”

And as always, read these their SUBMISSION PAGE before you send anything in.

Good luck!