I wanted to give my fellow writers a heads up that EPOCH MAGAZINE and THREEPENNY REVIEW are both open for short story submissions.
Below are submission guidelines taken from their websites. However, this is just an overview. It is always wise to get your information directly from their websites and read some of what they have published in the past.
Good luck!
DESCRIPTION: “EPOCH magazine publishes fiction, poetry, essays, cartoons, screenplays, graphic art, and graphic fiction. In continuous publication since 1947, the magazine is edited by faculty in the Department of English Program in Creative Writing at Cornell University. EPOCH appears three times per year: in September, January, and May.” – From Epoch’s Website
WORD LIMIT: No specific word limit is given. However the website states that they consider lengths that range from short short stories to novella length.
PAY RATE: They currently pay a minimum of $50.00 per poem and a maximum of $150.00 per story.
READING PERIOD: They read unsolicited work between September 15 and April 15 of each academic year.
HOW TO SUBMIT: By mail only. All submissions should be accompanied by a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope.
EPOCH magazine
251 Goldwin Smith Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-3201
RESPONSE TIME: 6-10 Weeks. They request that you don’t query until 3 months have passed.
WEBSITE: https://english.cornell.edu/epoch-magazine-0
DESCRIPTION: The Threepenny Review is a well-regarded journal of the arts and society which has been published since 1980. Every issue contains excellent essays, stories, poems, and memoirs, plus beautiful black-and-white photographs. Its regular writers include six Nobel Prizewinners and four U.S. Poet Laureates; recent issues featured writing by Wendell Berry, Geoff Dyer, Louise Glück, Greil Marcus, Javier Marías, Adam Phillips, and Kay Ryan. – From Duotrope
WORD LIMIT: Articles: 1,200-2,500 words; Table Talk 1,000 words or less; stories and memoirs 4,000 words or less; poetry 100 lines or less.
PAY RATE: $400.00 per story or article, $200.00 per poem.
READING PERIOD: The website states they do not read submissions July through December.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Online Submission or through mail.
The Editors
The Threepenny Review
PO Box 9131
Berkeley, CA 94709
RESPONSE TIME: Range from 2 days to 2 months.