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OPEN SUBMISSIONS: Kanstellation Magazine & Infinite Worlds

I wanted to give my fellow writers a heads up that Kanstellation Magazine and Heroic Fantasy Quarterly are both open for short story submissions.

Below are submission guidelines taken from their websites. However, this is just an overview. It is always wise to get your information directly from their websites and read some of what they have published in the past.

***While these publications seem legit, I cannot personally vouch for their validity or their philosophies. I just noticed they were open and wanted to share.***

Kanstellation Magazine

DESCRIPTION: Issue 3 will explore the idea that “the internet has become a significant social laboratory for experimenting with the reconstructions of self—an experiment that can help or hinder our selfhood.”

What is the self? Where is the self? The disconnect between mind and body has reached unparalleled proportions. In the global village, the tech family is the norm, grandma visits via the tiny screen. WiFi reaches out like vines in the thickest part of the jungle. On a remote rock in the middle of the ocean, the island’s guardian uploads the current sunset for all to see. Is the world our personality’s oyster, or is there no home-cooking left to eat?

What we want: glitches, avatars, connections, rhizoids, fractals, dating apps, pen friends, the post-human, the re-human, obsession, longing, URLs reaching out, HTML tattoos, algorithmic soup, states of surveillance, Ying Gao’s robotized dresses, passionate firewalls, digital nomads, video conferences, honest resumes, fragmented selves, VR massage chairs, digital neighbors, medleys of style and ways to be. – From Kanstellation Magazine’s website

WORD LIMIT: Poetry: It seems they a accept a variety of lengths of poems. Send up to 4 poems in one Word document. Flash Fictions: 500-1,000 words. Send up to 2 flash fiction pieces in one Word document. Short Fiction, Creative Nonfiction & Essay: 1,000-2,500 words. Send up two essays in one Word document.

PAY RATE: Poem: $60.00 Flash Fiction: $80.00 Short Story, Essay & Creative Nonfiction: $100.00

SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS: Yes (but of course let them know immediately if your work is accepted somewhere else.

READING PERIOD: Open until March 24, 2020

HOW TO SUBMIT: Through their Submittable page.


Heroic Fantasy Quarterly

DESCRIPTION: As its name suggests, Heroic Fantasy Quarterly is a quarterly ezine dedicated to publishing heroic fantasy — in both prose and poetry. – From High Fantasy Quarterly’s website.

WORD LIMIT: A “soft” 10,000 words. They are willing to serialize a piece that is up to 50,000 words over the course of 4 issues.

PAY RATE: $100.00 for stories. $25.00 for poems. (Although this may vary depending on the length.)


READING PERIOD: The month of March. (It appears they will also be open again in June, September and December)

HOW TO SUBMIT: By E-mail. Visit the website for more details.

RESPONSE TIME: Approx. 60 Days