You are currently viewing OPEN SUBMISSIONS: Unidentified Funny Objects & Escape Artists: PseudoPod

OPEN SUBMISSIONS: Unidentified Funny Objects & Escape Artists: PseudoPod

I want to give my fellow writers a heads up that Unidentified Funny Objects and Escape Artists: Pseudopod are both open for short story submissions.

Below are submission guidelines taken from their websites. However, this is just an overview. It is always wise to get your information directly from their websites and read some of what they have published in the past.

***While these publications seem legit, I cannot personally vouch for their validity or their philosophies. I just noticed they were open and wanted to share.***

Unidentified Funny Objects

DESCRIPTION: Unidentified Funny Objects is an annual anthology of humorous SF/F. Past headliners include George R. R. Martin, Neil Gaiman, Esther Friesner, David Gerrold, Laura Resnick, Mike Resnick, Piers Anthony, Kevin J. Anderson, etc.

For UFO8 we’re seeking all style and sub-genres of speculative humor. – From Unidentified Funny Object‘s website.

WORD LIMIT: 500-5,000 words.

PAY RATE: $0.10 per word, plus a contributor’s copy.



HOW TO SUBMIT: Send an RTF or DOC to Submission line should read “Story Title” by Author Name (#### words). Please use Standard Manuscript Format.


Escape Artist: PseudoPod

DESCRIPTION: PseudoPod is a genre magazine in audio form. We’re looking for horror: dark, weird fiction. We run the spectrum from grim realism or crime drama, to magic-realism, to blatantly supernatural dark fantasy. We publish highly literary stories reminiscent of Poe or Lovecraft as well as vulgar shock-value pulp fiction. We don’t split hairs about genre definitions, and we do not observe any taboos about what kind of content can appear in our stories. Originality demands that you’re better off avoiding vampires, zombies, and other recognizable horror tropes unless you have put a very unique spin on them. What matters most is that the stories are dark and compelling. – From PseudoPod‘s website,

WORD LIMIT: Short Fiction – 1,500 to 6,000 words. (ideally around 4,500 words). Flash Fiction – Up to 1,500 words (ideally between 500 and 1000 words).

PAY RATE: Original Fiction – $.08 per word. Short Story Reprints – $100.00 flat rate. Flash Fiction Reprints – $20.00 flat rate.

SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS: Generally, yes but not to multiple Escape Artist podcasts (Escape Pod, PodCastle, Cast of Wonders, and PseudoPod)

As always let them know immediately if your work is accepted somewhere else.

READING PERIOD: Until August 2, 2020

HOW TO SUBMIT: Here (But read their website first for more details)