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OPEN SUBMISSIONS: 34 Orchard & Feral Cat Publishers

I want to give my fellow writers a heads up that 34 Orchard and Feral Cat Publishers are both open for submissions.

Below are their submission guidelines. However, this is just an overview. It is always wise to get your information directly from the publication’s websites and read what they have published in the past.

***While these publications seem legit, I cannot personally vouch for their validity or philosophies. I just noticed they were open and wanted to share.***


DESCRIPTION: “At 34 Orchard, we like dark, intense pieces that speak to a deeper truth. We’re not genre-specific; we just like scary, disturbing, unsettling, and sad. We like things we can’t put down and things that make us go “wow” when we’ve finished. But our main goal here at 34 Orchard is to publish the stuff we like to read, and you’re not in our heads. So don’t over think it. Just submit.” – From 34 Orchard’s Website

WORD LIMIT: Fiction: 1,000 – 7,500 words. Poetry: “Any style or length.”

PAY RATE: $50.00/ work.

SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS: Yes! (But, as always, notify the publication if your work has been accepted elsewhere.)

READING PERIOD: Closes July 31.

HOW TO SUBMIT: e-mail the story as a .doc and a cover letter to (See website for further details)



DESCRIPTION: “We’re looking for original fiction short stories and poetry in support of an election year theme “Dear Leader Tales” (DLT) anthology. We want stories of a humorous or satirical bent which illustrate or lampoon an emperor’s hubris (and lack of clothing). In that spirit, we don’t want any real life current or past Dear Leaders named directly, but their known foibles are fair game.

“If you’re one of the oppressed, regardless of who’s in charge, this is your chance to deploy devastating humor, satire, wit, and sarcasm to bring them down a few notches. If nothing else, we can amuse ourselves in a trying time. Examples beyond the political include CEOs who constantly quote Sun Tzu or Machiavelli incorrectly, cats plotting to overthrow their human overlords, in short anywhere clueless oppressors operate.” – from Feral Cat Publishers’ Website.

WORD LIMIT: 1K – 5K words

PAY RATE: Short Stories: $0.03 / word.  Poetry: $25.00 / piece.

SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS: Yes! (But, as always, notify the publication if your work has been accepted elsewhere.)

READING PERIOD: Closes July 31, 2020

HOW TO SUBMIT: Email Attach all submissions as a .doc, .docx, or rtf. Include a cover letter (Read website for more details).