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OPEN SUBMISSIONS: Pulp Literature & The Missouri Review

I want to give my fellow writers a heads up that Pulp Literature and The Missouri Review are both open for submissions.

Below are their submission guidelines. However, this is just an overview. It is always wise to get your information directly from the publication’s websites and read what they have published in the past.

***While these publications seem legit, I cannot personally vouch for their validity or philosophies.***


DESCRIPTION: Any genre or between-genre work of literature, or visual art (black and white for interiors, color for covers) up to 50 pages in length.  Short stories, novellas, poetry, comics, illustrations — bring it on.  We do not publish non-fiction, memoir, or children’s stories.  Aside from that we want anything entertaining and well written.

If you’re an established author, we want  you to submit the pieces you’ve hidden under your bed, your midnight experiments that didn’t fit into your genre, and the little things that have no other home. Go wild! Send us your genre-breaking stuff!

If you’re a new writer send in your most thrilling, funny, or heart-rending work in any genre. – From Pulp Literature’s website

WORD LIMIT: Max is 50 Pages in length but stories under 5,000 words have the best chance of being accepted.

PAY RATE: $0.05-$0.08/word for stories under 7,000 words. $0.03-$0.06/word for stories 7,000 to 10,000 words. $0.02-$0.04/word for stories over 10,000 words. Poetry and illustrations: $25-$50. Graphic novels/cartoons: $25-$75/page.

SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS: Yes! (But, as always, notify the publication if your work has been accepted elsewhere.)

READING PERIOD: No close date given.

HOW TO SUBMIT: Fill out this submission form. (But of course read the submission page first).



DESCRIPTION: The Missouri Review, founded in 1978, is one of the most highly-regarded literary magazines in the United States and for the past four decades we’ve upheld a reputation for finding and publishing the very best writers first. – From The Missouri Review’s website

WORD LIMIT: No firm word limit, but most selections fall between 2,000 and 9,000 words.

PAY RATE: $40/page.

SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS: Yes! (But, as always, notify the publication if your work has been accepted elsewhere.)

READING PERIOD: None. Manuscripts are read year round.

HOW TO SUBMIT: Through mail (with a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) or through their submission manager.