I want to give my fellow writers a heads up that BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL and WHORTLEBERRY PRESS are both open for submissions.
Below are their submission guidelines. However, this is just an overview. It is always wise to get your information directly from the publication’s websites and read what they have published in the past.
***While these publications seem legit, I cannot personally vouch for their validity or philosophies.***
Blue Light Special
DESCRIPTION: People from all cultures use folktales to help understand and explain the world they inhabit. These tales are about real people in extraordinary circumstances. They often use supernatural or surreal phenomena. Whether from the Brothers Grimm, or A Thousand and One Nights, or modern-day urban legends, folk tales are part of our shared cultural heritage.
Our anthology will consist of folktales set in the modern world. They will each be based on a traditional folk tale but re-imagined to feature LGBTQ people grappling with today’s problems. They will each include a blue light as a surreal or supernatural element. – From Blue Light Special’s website
WORD LIMIT: 1,000-5,000 words
PAY RATE: $0.01 / word
READING PERIOD: Closes September 15, 2020.
HOW TO SUBMIT: Include a brief synopsis (100 words or less) of the original folktale. Use the Shunn Manuscript Format. Include an author bio in your cover letter, including social media links. Submit through the form on their website.
WEBSITE: https://bluelightanthology.info/
Whortleberry Press
DESCRIPTION: It’s tentatively titled “Strange Holiday Mysteries.”
What’s different about this “Strange Mysteries” collection is that you writers choose which holiday on which you wish to base your story. As Associate Editor Arthur Sanchez says, “It doesn’t have to be a major holiday. If your favorite is National Taco Day, go with it!” – From Whortleberry Press’ website
WORD LIMIT: 3,000 words
PAY RATE: $10.00 / story
READING PERIOD: Closes September 30, 2020.
HOW TO SUBMIT: E-mail your submission and 50-100 word bio to jean.goldstrom@earthlink.net. Be sure to include your e-mail address and review their submission guidelines before submitting.
WEBSITE: http://whortleberrypress.com/