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SUBMIT HERE! Ninth Letter & StarShipSofa

I want to give my fellow writers a heads up that Ninth Letter and StarShipSofa are both open for submissions!

Here are their guidelines. However, this is just an overview. It is always wise to get your information directly from the publication’s websites and read what they have published in the past.

***While these publications seem legit, I cannot personally vouch for their validity or philosophies.***

Ninth Letter

DESCRIPTION: Ninth Letter is the award-winning literary arts journal edited and produced by the Creative Writing Program at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. The journal’s mission is to present original literary writing of exceptional quality, illuminated by cutting-edge graphic design.

WORD LIMIT: Poetry – 3 to 6 poems, 10 pages max. Fiction & Nonfiction – 1 story/essay at a time (or up to 3 pieces of flash prose), 8,000 words max.

PAY RATE: $25.00 / printed page. $150.00 max. + 2 complimentary copies of the issue.

SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS: Yes! Just mention this in your cover letter. (And as always, let the publication know if your work is accepted elsewhere)

READING PERIOD: December 2020, submissions are FREE! Please reference their website for the times of year they apply their $3.00 application fee.

HOW TO SUBMIT: Ninth Letter’s Submittable page. (Visit website for details on mailing submissions.)



DESCRIPTION:  From the soft, social science fiction to the weird pulpy stuff to the vigorous hard SF and YA adventure. We welcome all sub-genres and all variety of punks in all their colours. From high-octane action to quiet philosophical stories, we’re after it all. Science fiction is a rich and diverse genre, push it’s boundaries as far as you can go.

WORD LIMIT: 3,000 – 9,000 words.

PAY RATE: $50.00 flat rate / story.

SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS: Yes! (But as always, let the publication know if your work is accepted elsewhere)

HOW TO SUBMIT: Through StarShipSofa’s Moksha Page


Previous Submit Here’s!

Deep Magic & Curiouser Magazine

SUBMIT HERE!: Apex Magazine & Hypnos Magazine