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Celebrating Recent Writing Accomplishments

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I have been super busy with a number of projects so I wanted to sit down and just give a general update on a few recent accomplishments. I don’t mean for this to come off as bragging. I’m just trying to get into the habit of sharing important milestones. (I hope you all do the same).


I recently attended the fantastic Maryland Writer’s Association From Brain to Bookshelf Conference, where three agents asked to see more of my novel The Night Highway. One asked for the full manuscript!

I plan to query a couple more agents this upcoming week. I’m very proud of this novel.


Plot: “When Sparrow Williams was thirteen years old she discovered that the forest behind her house led to a magical world beyond her wildest dreams. But then the dream ended. Now Sparrow is in her mid-thirties, jobless, and enduring her second divorce. However, one evening she is confronted by one of Edge Country’s most notorious villain who begs her to find a way back and save the magical world from her kid sister who has been trapped there for the past twenty years.”

The celebration part isn’t the fact I was able to sum up the story in a matter of seconds. It’s that I (sort of just literally) finished the fourth draft! I love the characters and the world and hope to get it out to agents soon.

Short Stories

My short story “Beyond Rose Street” will be appearing in After Dinner Conversation later this month!

I also have a number of other short stories out at various publications, so I hope to get some more good news soon.

Elected Office

Last week I was elected Vice President of the Maryland Writer’s Association’s North Baltimore Branch. I’m super excited about this and can’t wait to get to know more of my fellow local authors.


I will be helping out with some NaNo programs, specifically the Baltimore County Public Library’s NaNoWriMo Write-In. Feel free to check it out and connect with some fantastic writers. You DON’T need a BCPL library card to register.