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SUBMIT HERE! “Lightspeed” & “Barrelhouse”

I want to give my fellow authors a heads up that the short story publications Lightspeed and Barrelhouse are currently open for fiction submissions.

You’ll find the guidelines below. However, this is just an overview. It is always wise to get your information directly from the magazine’s website and read what they have have published in the past.


DESCRIPTION: Lightspeed is seeking original science fiction and fantasy stories. All types of science fiction and fantasy are welcome. No subject should be considered off-limits, and we encourage writers to take chances with their fiction and push the envelope.- Lightspeed’s Submission Guidelines

OPEN PERIOD: Until May 1, 2022 (but may be extended),

WORD COUNT: They are currently only open for flash fiction (1,500 words).

POETRY: No. However, their “sister magazines” Fantasy and Nightmare do accept poetry.


MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS: No; authors must wait seven days after a reply before submitting another story.

REPRINTS: Only if solicited.

PAYMENT: $0.08/word.



DESCRIPTION: Barrelhouse is produced by writers for readers who are looking for quality writing with an edge and a sense of humor.

Barrelhouse bridges the gap between serious art and pop culture, About Barrelhouse

Barrelhouse is a non-profit literary organization consisting of pop culture obsessed oddballs who like to hang out in the corner. We started in 2004 as a literary magazine that sought to bridge the gap between high-brow literary tastes and the mid-brow appreciation of daily joys like good music, bad television and a decent hot dog. Barrelhouse is a fever dream populated by a passionate squad of volunteers who do a lot of things: we’re a print and online literary magazine, a small press bringing good books and chapbooks into the world, an organizer of cool literary events, and curators of this lovely website.Barrelhouse Homepage

RESPONSE TIME: 2-3 months, but they try to get back to authors faster.

WORD COUNT: No official max length but most works they accept are under 8K words.


SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS: Yes! (But, as with all short story publications, give them a heads up the instant your work is accepted elsewhere.)

MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS: No. – With the exception of poetry. They accept up to 5 poems at a time.


PAYMENT: $50.00 / contributor for print issues.


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