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OPEN SUBMISSIONS: Speculative City & The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts

I want to give my fellow writers a heads up that Speculative City and The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts are both open for short story submissions.

Below are submission guidelines taken from their websites. However, this is just an overview. It is always wise to get your information directly from the publication’s websites and read what they have published in the past.

***While these publications seem legit, I cannot personally vouch for their validity or philosophies. I just noticed they were open and wanted to share.***

Speculative City

DESCRIPTION: (Regarding issue nine in particular) We are looking for afrofuturist fiction, poetry, and essays written by authors who are specifically of Black and/or African descent. And, as per usual, we seek provocative works that are centered within a cityscape. – From Speclative City’s website.

WORD LIMIT: Max 5,500 words.

PAY RATE: $20.00-$55.00.

SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS: Yes (But as always let them know if you are accepted elsewhere.)

READING PERIOD: Ends June 1, 2020.

HOW TO SUBMIT: Through Green Submissions (link found on website)


The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts

DESCRIPTION: The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts is a non-profit publisher of compressed creative arts, such as micro fiction, flash fiction, prose poetry, compressed poetry & visual arts, and whatever other forms compression might take. – From The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts’ website.

WORD LIMIT: Flash Fiction – Under 1,000 words. Compressed Prose – 600 words. Poetry – 20 Lines or 75 words.

PAY RATE: “We pay writers $50 per accepted piece and signed contract.” – Website

SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS: Yes (But as always let them know if you are accepted elsewhere.)


HOW TO SUBMIT: Through Submittable page on website.